Colorado Crop Progress & Condition Report, Week Ending Sept 3, 2023


Temperatures remained above average last week, and precipitation was minimal across the State, according to the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association data, isolated areas in the north central portion of the State received moisture over 1 inch, while the rest of the
State remained drier. The U.S. Drought Monitor published on August 31 showed a slight improvement in conditions in the San Luis Valley, but a decline along the southwestern border. Just over 15 percent of the State is experiencing abnormally dry conditions and 13 percent of the State was rated in moderate drought. One percent of the State is rated in severe drought, down from last week.

According to the High Plains Regional Climate Center, much of the State experienced warmer than normal temperatures, with areas of eastern Colorado realizing temperatures more than 9 degrees above average. High temperatures and windy conditions continued to decrease soil moisture supplies in the northeastern part of the State. Isolated rain showers between cutting and baling in the northwestern portion of the State decreased the hay quality. Reports from the San Luis Valley noted barley harvest was progressing well, and the potato crop was doing well. Ranges were reported as dry, and grasses that haven’t been grazed are fully headed. Livestock were in mostly good condition, but losses were noted, specifically for sheep due to coyote predation.

The third cutting of alfalfa advanced among a primarily dry week, with 55 percent harvested, but progress still lagged last year
and the 5-year average. Barley harvest progressed quickly last week, with 77 percent harvested, ahead of last year but behind the 5-year average. Blooming in the dry edible bean crop was almost complete, with 96 percent of the crop bloomed, behind last year at 100 percent and the 5-year average of 99 percent. Ten percent of the dry edible bean crop was cut by weeks end, behind the 5-year average. The corn crop matured quickly among hot, dry conditions last week, with 86 percent of the crop in the dough stage, even with the 5-year average and 42 percent of the crop in the dented stage, slight ahead of the 5-year average of 41 percent. Corn harvested for silage made minimal progress last week, with 20 percent of the crop harvested. Onion harvest continued in the northeastern portion of the State, progressing ahead of average, with 40 percent of the crop harvested. Potato harvest began in the San Luis Valley last week, with 5 percent of the acreage harvested. Stored feed supplies were rated 1 percent very short, 4 percent short, 94 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus. Cattle death loss was 1 percent heavy, 70 percent average, and 29 percent light. Sheep death loss was 1 percent heavy, 92 percent average and 7 percent light.

Filed Under: AgricultureEnvironmentFeaturedMedia Release


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