Lamar Utility Board Wind Turbines Scheduled for Maintenance
Barbara Crimond | Apr 12, 2023 | Comments 0

Light Plant Crews at Work
Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh told the utility board the wind turbine crew will begin their semi-annual maintenance and inspection program on all five wind turbines. Each turbine will be shut down for approximately eight hours on a calm day so preventative maintenance can be performed safely per GE’s recommended maintenance program.
The line crew completed the construction of a new service to the announcing booth and scoreboard at Escondido Park for future soccer games.
The line and metering crews completed the installation of the wind turbines metering equipment per Tri State G & T requirements. All load-serving entities need to track and report their renewable energy generation in real time using SCADA equipment. Tri State will track and report the plant’s wind energy prosecution to Excel Energy. This will enable LUB and ARPA to market the renewable Energy Certificates generated by the wind turbines.
The Lamar Utility Board approved $797,918.37 in purchase orders from a total of $813,448.10. This included $630,957.42 for estimated power fees from Arkansas River Power Authority. Payment of bills amounted to $347,449.81.
The board accepted a low bid of $8,456.38 from Western United for raptor protection devices, a move that maintains the board’s compliance with its Avian Protection Plan.
The December 2022 financial report indicates cash is up $182,174 from November and accounts receivable increased by $114,216.
Total operating revenue for the month is $1,100,986 and operating costs are $1,001,767 for gross operating income of $99,129. When the non-operating revenues and expenses are considered, there is a net income for the month of $391,692.
Total operating revenues for the year are $14,205,830 and total operating costs are $12,836,576 resulting in gross operating income of $1,369,254. When the non-operating re venues and expenses are factored, there is a net income of $81,762 year to date.
When compared to 2021, revenues from retail sales are up approximately $171,378 or 1% comparing December 2022 to December 2021 and overall operating expense are up approximately $667,333 or 5% resulting in a net income of $81,762 for the year. Lisa Denman, Light Plant Accountant, stated that the 5% increase is attributable merely to increased costs for goods and services over the prior year.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: Agriculture • City of Lamar • Consumer Issues • Featured • Utilities
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