Gov. Polis Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments



Colorado HIV Alliance for Prevention, Care, and Treatment

To promote effective HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programs, the HIV Alliance for Prevention, Care, and Treatment shall advise, inform and closely consult with CDPHE with regard to issues, trends, needs, policy, and resources pertaining to HIV/AIDS throughout the State of Colorado. For a term expiring February 27, 2024:
For a term expiring February 27, 2026:  Criston Menz of La Junta, Colorado, reappointed.


Middle Income Housing Authority

In order to solve for the acute shortage of affordable middle-income housing, the Middle Income Housing Authority will robustly increase the supply of affordable middle-income housing by raising large amounts of private sector capital to finance projects that can be placed into service quickly and efficiently. The Authority will be able to place projects into service quickly and efficiently because it will rely on the expertise of local governments, nonprofit organizations, and experienced real estate industry professionals to identify, propose, develop, and operate its projects.  For a term expiring September 1, 2024:
Stephanie Gonzales of Granada, Colorado, occasioned by the resignation of Wayne Vaden of Denver, Colorado, appointed.


Water Quality Control Commission

The Water Quality Control Commission is responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive and effective program for prevention, control and abatement of water pollution of the waters throughout the state. For terms expiring February 15, 2026:
Charles Michael Weber of La Junta, Colorado, to serve as a member at large, reappointed.

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