LUB Notes Wind Turbine Power Output

Wind Turbines



Lamar Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh, provided the latest update on wind turbine power generation for 2022 which showed Lamar’s three turbines have generated 12,557.74 MWH’s of electricity which is about 1.46% lower than that generated in 2021.  The turbines had an average capacity factor of 31.37% which is lower than last year by about 0.27%.  Since the plant installed the turbines in 2003, 2010 has been the best year for production followed by 2008 and 2020 for third best.  He also noted six bids were submitted for equipment for crimping primary and secondary underground wiring.  The low bid came from Stuart Irby for $4,206.

The Lamar Utility Board approved purchase orders amounting to $797,588.70 from a total of $832,329.38.  This included the January electricity estimate from ARPA of $711,427.45.  Total bills for the month were $297,227.59.

The plant’s line crew completed installing a 3-phase, 277/480v new service to a 4- hp irrigation sprinkler at CR 1 and NN in Prowers County.  The crew also replaced a decayed power pole to the east of Main and Washington Streets with a 45 foot steel pole.

The Superintendent Briefly discussed several bills currently before the state legislature for consideration as outlined by the Colorado Association of Municipal Utilities, of which the Lamar Plant is a member.  HB23-1134 would require that every home warranty service contract that provides coverage for the replacement of any of certain gas-fueled appliances to allow an electric replacement option.  HB-23-1154 requires the legislative council to prepare a preliminary report that requires an analysis on whether a property submitted ballot initiative has a net change in greenhouse gas emissions and HB23-1161 creates new efficiency standards for certain water, gas and electric fixtures and appliances.  These are several that would have a potential impact for state residents if passed.

By Russ Baldwin


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