Lamar EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Public Meeting Announcement

Official Seal City of Lamar


Please join us for our Public Workshop:

What: Prairie Crossroads Revitalization Project Part II, Public Workshop 

When: Wednesday February 15, 2023, 6-8pm 

Where: Cultural Events Center, 102 E. Parmenter Street, Lamar, CO 

Please join us on Wednesday February 15th from 6-8 pm at the Cultural Events Center to discuss the EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant recently awarded to the City of Lamar. This grant has the opportunity to continue to make Lamar a great place to live, work, and play. We want to hear from you to help guide the vision for future revitalization!  

For questions, please contact Rob Evans, City Administrator at:

Filed Under: Chamber of CommerceCity of LamarConsumer IssuesEnvironmentEventsFeaturedMedia ReleaseUtilitiesWater


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