Letter to the Editor: Re: McClave School Vote


Dear McClave School District Voters,

Please join us in voting yes on the McClave School District bond measure for the upcoming November 8, 2022 election, which will cover approximately 11% of the cost of a school replacement project.  If this bond measure is successful, the McClave School District will then seek financial assistance from Colorado’s BEST Grant Program to cover the remaining 89% cost of the project.  Even if passed, the bond will not go into effect unless a BEST Grant is secured.

In November of 2020, the McClave School District conducted a survey of its community to garner feedback on facility planning considerations.  The survey results showed that 70% of District residents who responded would support a major renovation or new construction with a property tax increase, if required to receive cost sharing funds from the state.  This led to two major steps: 1) The McClave School District hiring a professional engineering firm to evaluate our facility’s condition and develop a facility master plan with four different options and costs, and 2) Asking all McClave School District residents via mailed letter to participate in a community-led committee to help determine the best path forward.  This committee, which included over a dozen District residents, held eight meetings during 2021 with the engineering firm to evaluate the school’s condition and consider four different options.

In December of 2021, the committee concluded that the most fiscally-responsible option was to pursue a bond measure and BEST Grant for a full school replacement.  The committee made this decision for various reasons, but primarily because the cost incurred by McClave School District taxpayers, approximately $5 million, will be the same for any of the options and that temporary repairs would only delay even larger future costs to maintain the facilities.

Project Options McClave School District Taxpayer Contribution BEST Grant Contribution
Bare Minimum (electrical, roof, and septic system replacement) $5 Million
Full Renovation $5 Million $14 Million
Partial Renovation/Partial Replacement $5 Million $32 Million
Full Replacement $5 Million $42 Million


This is because Colorado school districts can only bond for 20% of the district’s total assessed value, which for us equals roughly $5 million using 2022 assessed values.  Also, with today’s construction costs, $5 million will only pay for bare minimum repairs.  For the time being, Colorado provides the BEST Grant Program to help school districts pay for facility improvements and replacements.  This program has provided funding for the majority of schools in our area to renovate or completely replace their schools.

If you have any questions, please contact the Citizens for McClave School via Facebook or email citizensformcclaveschool@gmail.com.  And please VOTE YES ON 4A!

McClave School District Residents/Taxpayers:

Gerald and Josie Aragon; Shaun and Terri Beckett; Peggy Branom; Cheryl Brewer; Del and Lori Chase; Stan and Lora Cline; Dale and Shirley Curley; Chad and Gina Dickerson; Lynden and Ann Gill; Darla Goble; Jack and Melissa Goble; Clint and Jennifer Hemphill; Phil and Doris Hemphill; Ryan and Teale Hemphill; Justin and Shelby Homm; Lance and Taya Jagers; Dillan Kelley & Katie Roesch; Matt and Melinda Kelley; Tony and Kara Leighty; Jeremy and Jordan Mallard; Brad and Stephanie Malone; Leon Marks; Devin and Angela Martin; John and Trudy Roesch; Kelly and Julie Roesch; Bo and Kori; Sexson; John Smartt; Darlene Sniff; Isaac Snyder; Rachel Snyder; T.J. and Melissa Steinbrunn; Neal and Roni Vallejos; Clarence VanDyke; Barbara Wertz; Brent Wertz; Derek and Kalais White Heckman

An Investment in our kid’s future
An Investment in our school’s future
An Investment in our community’s future

Filed Under: Letters to the Editor

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