Lamar Lions Club Centennial Celebration, June 11, 2022

Lion’s Main Table


Enjoying the Centennial

Members and family of the Lamar Lions Club celebrated their 100th anniversary at the Lamar Elks Club this past Saturday, June 11th.  The organization came into existence in Lamar in September, 2021 and received its charter the following year.

Betsy Denney, District Governor with Lion Garth Nieschburg

The ceremonies were officiated by Lion Garth Nieschburg which included a review of the history of the Lions organization as well as the local Lions group by keynote speaker, Betsy Denney, District Governor from Cotopaxi, Colorado.

New Inductees with Spouses and Sponsors

Following a prime rib dinner, six new members were inducted into the Lamar Lions, with three of those six having had to delay the official swearing in, due to Covid precautions.  New members were Rob Evans, Don Yoxsimer, Brad Young, Eric Nieschburg, Ian Springer and John Davis.

Ken Callison Receives 50 Year Pin

A heart-felt show of appreciation was shown to Ellen Clausen, wife of departed Lions member, Wayne, for his 50 years of service and devotion to the Lamar Lions.

Ellen Clausen

Pins were awarded to various Lions highlighting their years of membership and service including 50-year pins to Ken Callison and Garth Nieschburg, Benny Schumate and Ronnie Farmer for 45 years, Jim Farmer for 15 years and Richard Ramsay for 10 years.  Gerry Bates and Clay Peacock were also noted.

Filed Under: City of LamarEventsFeaturedHistory


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