Lamar Sales Tax Revenue Gains Continue



Sales tax revenue remains health for the City of Lamar as the May Sales and Use Tax report shows a 10.61% climb over last year for a $30,812 gain with Use Tax revenues up 26.35% and Total Sales and Use Tax collections up 11.50% for a gain of $35,782. Total collections for May 2020 were at $346,984.02 compared to $311,201.44 for the previous year.

Year to date collections are also performing well into the summer season. City Sales Tax revenues were up 8.41% for an improvement of $143,013 over the previous year and Total Sales and Use Tax revenues are up 7.06% for a gain of $131,591 over the year before. Collections for 2020 are at $1,996,430.50 compared to 2019 at $1,864.838.84.

The year to year comparison for retail sales tax revenue shows a comparable improvement between 2018 and 2020, although there was a decrease in Apparel and Department Stores as well as Restaurants comparing 2019 to 2020 for this time period. There was an increase in Building Materials, Grocery Stores and Liquor sales.


2018 2019 2020
Auto Parts Vehicle Repair 76,076 74,918


Building Materials

107,785 64,294 73,069
Apparel & Dept Stores 572,024 661,167


C Stores and Gas Sales

107,506 91,361 91,980
All Business/Electricity 156,266 99,697



12,519 10,884 10,260
Grocery Stores 133,688 130,809



67,467 64,903 63,950
Liquor Sales 53,413 49,093



5,888 7,780 11,363
Restaurants 175,029 184,073


Other Retail-All Other

384,407 375,179


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