2019 Year in Review – AUGUST


VA Volunteer Drivers: Boxley, Herrera, Whitley, Harbert and Burnett


The following articles are a recap of various news events which have had an impact on residents of Prowers County this past year.


Boxley of Lamar – 2019 Governor’s Service Awards Recipients Announced

DENVER —Lt. Governor Dianne Primavera presented the 2019 Governor’s Service Awards, presented in recognition and appreciation to individuals, community and civic leaders for their outstanding contributions to volunteer service in Colorado.

The Governor’s Service Awards are presented by Serve Colorado, the Governor’s Commission on Community Service. Serve Colorado promotes community service throughout the state to build a culture of citizenship, service, and individual responsibility.

The 2019 recipients include:

Outstanding Veteran Volunteer: Clifford Boxley (Prowers County)

Clifford, who served in the U.S. Army from 1972-1974, has logged over 11,000 hours transporting veterans to and from their medical appointments. He is a member of the 1st Cavalry Division Association’s National Board of Governors, The American Legion, and the VFW. Clifford also serves on several boards in Lamar including the Selective Service Board, Lamar Light and Power, Lamar Planning and Zoning, Lamar Housing Authority, Prowers County Planning and Zoning, Lamar Partnership, Inc., and Lamar Chamber of Commerce. He tries to make a difference in the community by showing what one person can do.


Brad Young Honored for Service

Brad Young, Lamar native, recently received a Lifetime Achievement Awards, from Independent Pharmaceuticals, in Denver, CO on Saturday, August 10th. Young recently retired as Legislative Director of Governmental Affairs for Independent Pharmacists in Colorado.

Brad Young, who resides in Lamar, has been representing the Independent Pharmacists for many years and will be missed. He’s generally regarded as one of the most trusted of lobbyists at the state capitol. A large group was on hand to celebrate Brad’s award. Young had served as a former chairman of the state’s Joint Budget Committee as a state legislator, representing southeastern Colorado.


Train Depot Listed in the National Register of Historic Places


The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Passenger Depot has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The building was officially listed on July 19th, 2019. The process to register the historic building has taken over a year through a nomination form that was submitted through efforts of the Lamar Historic Preservation Advisory Board. The Train Depot joins properties such as the US Post Office-Lamar Main, Willow Creek Park, Davies Hotel-Payne Hotel, Prowers County Court House, and many others in being designated on the National Register.

Completed in 1907, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe (AT&SF) Railway Passenger Depot in Lamar exhibits characteristics of the Prairie School style. The 2,490-square-foot-brick masonry building is located within Lamar’s central business district and was built to replace a wood-frame combination passenger and freight depot constructed in 1888 after the town’s first depot burned.


Adult Health Clinic Reopening in September

Front Entrance to Adult Health Center


Eric Niemeyer, Executive Director of the High Plains Community Health Center, told the Prowers County Commissioners, construction work on the Adult Clinic has only a few stages to go through before it will re-open this September. Niemeyer briefed the Commissioners with the latest updates from the Clinic this past Thursday, August 8th. Some recent events at the Center have revolved around the observance of National Health Center Week.

“It’s been closed for about 18 months now, since January 2018 when cracks in the foundation came to light.” He explained that the foundation under the clinic did not start to cave in, but the ground in that area actually began to push up. “We have a company from Pueblo doing the work which has the elevations back to where they should be and some drainage work needs to be finalized before it’s complete. “He added that new sidewalks will be poured in the next few weeks, one of the final touches before the clinic is re-opened to the public.

By Russ Baldwin



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