Holly Commercial Club Update

Holly Holiday Tree



Eight members attended the November 6th Holly Commercial Club meeting. Members discussed how to use Pedal the Plains/Viaero grant funding, including a historically-oriented kiosk to be located at the corner of Main and Highway 50.

The annual Old Fashioned Christmas celebration is set for Tuesday, December 3rd from 5pm to 7pm. Businesses will have prize drawings and Santa will be headquartered at the town library. There was some discussion to hold a parade of lights and if any organization has interest, contact Rod, Tammy or Ty Rushton. The board agreed to give Holly Bucks for first place at $100, second place at $50 and $25 for third place. The Holly Jolly Christmas will be presented on December 7th by the Bluegrass group.

The board voted to have 10 packets of different Christmas cards on offer and they will be in memory of Peggy Kalma. Election of officers for 2020 will be held during the December 4th meeting. The library is hosting a kid’s Christmas movie for Granada grades 1-6 on December 18th and Holly grades K-6 on December 19th.

(From Meeting Minutes contributed by Viola Melcher)

Filed Under: City of HollyEconomyFeaturedHolidayMedia ReleaseRecreationThe Arts


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