Playground Closer to Completion
Barbara Crimond | Oct 04, 2019 | Comments 0
The Nature Play area on the western side of Willow Creek Park is almost ready for kids to enjoy and test their skills. In some ways it’s similar to other playground ‘jungle gyms’ or ‘monkey bars’ that were developed as early as the 1920s and used by several generations of kids. The road leading to the equipment is still blockaded until construction is complete.
The new area, designed for ages two to sixteen, has its roots based on ideas submitted by local youth who had the opportunity to express their ideas to Radian Company which held open air meetings to discuss viable options.
While the swing set is easily identifiable, the other playground equipment is of a nature of, ‘getting there from here’ by climbing over bars or suspended rope walks a few feet off the ground.
Some equipment, to this aging reporter’s eyes, is as foreign as something you could find on Mars. Perhaps it’s still missing a few pieces.
All the playground needs before it’s officially opened to the public is a floor. Apparently the delivery date has been pushed back for the special durable material which makes up a springy floor, offering some ‘give’ to the user should they take a tumble. Better that than a cement surface.
In an earlier interview, Kendra Buchanan, Generation Wild Coordinator with the City of Lamar, said the cost of the project is $230,850. “We’re financed on three levels,” she explained, adding, “We received a $90,000 grant from the Colorado Health Foundation, funding from the GoCO, Inspire Grant and $35,306 from the Conservation Trust Fund.”
By Russ Baldwin
Old Jungle Gym Photo: By Aarchiba at en.wikipedia
Filed Under: City of Lamar • Entertainment • Featured • Health • Public Safety • Recreation • Sports • Youth
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