Last Minute Election Information, Deadline for Voting is Nearing

Media Information



Have you returned your voted ballot back to the County Clerk’s Office? The sooner you return your voted ballot back the sooner we can release our election night results.


  • Make sure you have postage on your return ballot when mailing it through the USPS!
  • Sign the back of your return envelope when returning your voted ballot back to the County Clerk’s Office.
  • If you have not received a ballot call the Prowers County Clerk’s Office for a replacement ballot at 719-336-8011.  



REMEMBER: Postmarks dates do not count. Your ballot must be in the possession of the Prowers County Clerk & Recorder by 7:00 P.M., November 5, 2019.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Prowers County Clerk & Recorder’s Office will be open 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., for return of mail-in ballots; issue replacement ballots; register to vote; update address; or update your name.    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

ELECTION DAY (Prowers County Clerk and Recorder’s Office) will open at 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., 301 S. Main Street, Suite 210, Lamar, CO.

Unofficial election results will be posted Election night, November 5, 2019 after ballot tabulating is complete. It will be posted on the Prowers County website at: and on the Secretary of State’s website-election night reporting.

Our Election Department can be reached at (719) 336-8011 for voter and election questions or by e-mailing at “Like” our Facebook page at Prowers County Clerk & Recorder.



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