Lamar Youth Entrepreneurship Fair (E-Fair)

Rick Robbins Viewing Display with Devin Eaton and Truman King, 6th grade students from Holly School.


Business will be booming at the Lamar Community Building on Wednesday, November 6, 2019. And all business will be conducted by 5th – 12th grade students.

The 2nd Annual Grow SECO Youth Entrepreneurship Fair (E-Fair) will take place at the Lamar Community Building and is hosted by Ogallala Commons.   Youth from surrounding schools will be showcasing their business ideas in the hope of winning money for those ideas. The students will have put together tri-fold poster boards displaying their business idea, and they will come prepared to “pitch” their business concept to a panel of judges – with the ultimate goal of taking home a check for their efforts.

The public is invited to visit the Community Building on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, between 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m., and view and visit with the young entrepreneurs.   Some of the youth business ideas will surprise and excite you – as youth entrepreneurship grows across Southeast Colorado.

Filed Under: Consumer IssuesEducationEventsFeaturedMedia ReleaseSchoolYouth


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