Dr. Maggie Baldwin Named Colorado Assistant State Veterinarian

Dr. Maggie Baldwin





Broomfield, Colo. – The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Maggie Baldwin as Assistant State Veterinarian for the state of Colorado.

In the role, Dr. Baldwin will focus on emergency management and disease response activities, overall management of division activities, and supporting Colorado State Veterinarian Dr. Keith Roehr and the mission of the Animal Health Division.

“We are pleased to have Dr. Maggie Baldwin assume the role of the Assistant State Veterinarian,” said Dr. Roehr. “Dr. Baldwin is a valued member of our Animal Health Division. Her emergency management and disease response experience are important assets for our disease control activities.”

Dr. Baldwin joined the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s Animal Health Division in January 2017 where she has focused primarily on emergency response, incident management, and public outreach, before being named Assistant State Veterinarian this month. In her previous roles at CDA, Dr. Baldwin worked on continuity of business planning, the Ag Liaison program, and African Swine Fever preparedness. Most recently, as the department’s Epidemiology Traceability Veterinarian, she has been extensively involved in the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus outbreak in Colorado.

“I am looking forward to continuing to serve Colorado veterinarians, livestock producers, and animal owners in this new role with CDA,” said Dr. Baldwin. “Agriculture is something that I have always been passionate about and I’m proud to be part of this community.”

Dr. Baldwin earned her DVM from the University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary Medicine in St. Paul. She began her career in public service as a Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian with USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service and Veterinary Medical Officer with USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

Dr. Baldwin grew up in a small town in rural west central Minnesota and attended the University of Minnesota, Morris before entering veterinary school. She is an avid reader and member of a local book club, and loves spending time with her husband and two sons on their small hobby farm near Johnstown, Colorado.

Contact: Mary Peck, 303-869-9005, mary.peck@state.co.us

Filed Under: AgricultureConsumer IssuesEducationEmploymentFeaturedMedia ReleasePublic Safety


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