Lamar Hosts 8th Annual 9/11 First Responder Tribute




There was good parade weather this past Saturday, September 7th ,sunny and cooler than usual, as the floats and entries lined the route beginning from Beech Streets and then along South 6th Street in Lamar.

Just prior to the 10am start, small American flags were handed out to the crowds and shortly after, the march begin toward the Prowers County Fairgrounds with the Fort Carson Mounted Honor Guard leading the way, followed by the 75mm Honor Battery and bands from the Lamar High and Middle Schools, plus other floats including Prowers medical Center, various floats of former service people and an assortment of local and regional municipal first responder representatives.

The fairgrounds played host to a flag retirement ceremony, a noon lunch of pulled pork, free for first responders and service people, followed by the formal tribute ceremonies at 1pm.

Flag Display at Memorial Site

Passers-by will notice the display of full flags at the 9/11 Memorial Site at the Big Timbers Museum properties.

PMC Representatives in the Parade, Bearing the American Flag

The crowd of several hundred spectators viewed the displays of local school children observing the 18th observance of the 9/11 event from 2001 as well as various military histories of local and regional residents, plus several vendors.

Bagpipe Player

Bud Rasmussen was this year’s honoree, celebrating his 100th birthday.  As outlined my emcee Cory Allen Forgue, Rasmussen was stationed in North Africa during WW2 serving in what was then known as the Army-Air Force in weapons and munitions supply.  He ended his tour of duty in Italy before returning to America.

Rasmussen was presented with a 13 inch statute, made poignant as sit was presented to him by his nephew, M.E. ‘Bart’ Bartholomew, representing the American Legion Post 15 out of Loveland, CO.

The main speaker for this year’s event was David Stone, VFW State Commander, whose theme to the audience referenced the 9/11 attack, with ‘Never Forget.’

Main Speaker Stone


By Russ Baldwin

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