Lamar Utility Board Approves Resolution on Damage Prevention Safety Program


Light Plant Crews at Work


The Lamar Utility Board voted in favor of Resolution 19-06-01 during their regular meeting, Tuesday, June 25th, which delegates to the Safety Commission of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Oil and Public Safety, its damage prevention safety program as it pertains to Underground Damage Prevention during future excavations.  The Safety Commission was appointed by the Governor to prevent injury to persons and damage to property when any excavation is taking place as well as maintain best practices to prevent damage to underground utilities.

In other action the board approved purchase orders totaling $104,578.20 and the payment of bills for this portion of June amounting to $784,527.23. Financial statements for May, 2019 show cash us up $92,283 from April and accounts receivable decreased by $114,983.  Operating revenue for the month is $958,699 while operating costs, at $944,725 result in gross operating income of $13,974.  Total operating revenues for the year are $5,011,979 and total operating costs are $4,531,875 for gross operating income of $480,105.  When the non-operating revenues and expenses are taken into consideration, there is a net loss of $229,346 year to date.  Compared to 2018, revenues from retail sales have dropped 12% and overall operating expenses are down 5% for the year.

Light Plant Superintendent, Hourie Houssin, told the board a series of 69kv substation rings are being replaced through the summer. Some have been in service since 1960.  He said the replacement will improve system reliability by using the latest technology in power protection and the installation will not cause any customer power loss.

One vacancy on the Lamar Utility Board remains. The Lamar City Council approved the board’s recommendation for a new, five-year term for member Doug Thrall.
By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: City of LamarConsumer IssuesFeaturedPublic SafetyUtilities


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