Letter to the Editor: Red Flag Law – Suicide Prevention
Barbara Crimond | Mar 19, 2019 | Comments 0
As a one-time state lawmaker who had an “A+” NRA rating and a former Republican candidate for governor, I’m strongly supportive of HB-1177—a bill that would provide extreme risk protection orders to temporarily remove firearms for those in the midst of a crisis.
My perspective on this issue is personal. Our family was in constant fear of losing our eldest daughter to suicide nearly a decade ago. She was just a child of 17 years at the time. Today, she’s healthy and successful.
Our family took action and removed all the firearms in our home. However today Colorado’s families, especially those who have adult family members living on their own, don’t have such capabilities to take preventive measures.
I challenge the members of this committee, especially my fellow Republicans, to find common ground and work together in a bi-partisan manner to support a thoughtful, comprehensive bill that balances 2nd Amendment protections with desperate families coping with a loved one in the midst of a crisis.
Each member of this committee has an opportunity to make a real difference and reduce suicide in their community, help and protect law enforcement, and, most importantly, give hope to desperate families. Please act!!!!
Victor Mitchell
Board member, Mental Health Colorado
Castle Rock, Colorado
Filed Under: Letters to the Editor
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