City Ends Year with Positive Tax Revenues



The December 2018 revenue report from the City of Lamar indicates that although the month closed down for total sales and use tax collections compared to the year before, the year to date figures posted a positive return.

City Sales Tax for December was up 1.13% for a $3,134 gain over 2017 with collections at $280,260. Use Tax and Other collections dropped for the month, off 28.92% and 27.67% respectively.  Total Sales and Use Tax collections were off 2.04% for a $6,337 drop.  Total collections for 2018 were $303,556.

Year to Date fared better with City Sales Tax up 2.32% for a $79,262 improvement of 2017, Use Tax collections were up 20.12% for a $62,606 gain and Other collections posted positive at 14.14% for a gain of $2,608. The difference between 2017 and 2018 was $144,477 for that months growth while the annual figures showed 2017 at $3,774,340 and 2018 was at $3,888,818.

The twelve retail categories, Year to Date for the past three years indicated growth in building materials and general department stores, while grocery sales and restaurants were flat from 2017 to 2018 and there was a drop in reports on motels.


2016 2017


Auto Parts-Vehicle Repair 148,941 148,091


Building Materials

119,136 149,400 188,865
Apparel-Dept Stores 1,075,206 1,133,477


C Stores – Gas Sales

140,842 148,729 203,761
All Business-Electricity 263,614 261,873



24,988 22,634 19,975
Grocery Stores 306,099 274,960



147,906 161,769 150,423
Liquor Sales 103,629 106,661



7,608 9,984 9,138
Other Retail/All Other 629,972 685,779



359,919 361,790


Filed Under: AgricultureCity of LamarConsumer IssuesEconomyFeaturedMedia Release


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