2018 Year in Review June


Introduction to RPD at Lamar Community College by Anne-Marie Crampton and Pam Denahy


Lamar Hosts 2018 Rural Philanthropy Days Event


Lamar hosted Rural Philanthropy Days (RFD) 2018 last week, June 13-15, the first time the event, which is held every four years, came to this city. Eight counties in southeast Colorado were represented including Prowers County.  The event, which helps match philanthropic donation funders with non-profit organizations, was coordinated in partnership with the City of Lamar, Community Resource Center and Anschutz Family Foundation and was held at multiple locations including Lamar Community College, Shore Arts Center, the Elks Lodge and the Lamar Community Building.

Although the logistics of organizing an event of this nature are far-reaching, the premise is simple; bring together those seeking funding for their local organizations with those representatives from around the state who will determine if there is a match of goals and interests and would accept future applications for donations.

The first of the three day session begins with an introduction into the non-profit sector of southeast Colorado which outlines some of the strengths and some of the more pertinent needs of the area which also has an emphasis on economic development opportunities. Additional groundwork of this nature is also developed on the second day with remarks from representatives from OEDIT, State Office of Economic Development and International Trade, USDA, Rural Development.  Several break-out sessions are also held where panels discuss community and economic development strategies and developing community involvement on a long-term basis.



Valley National Bank Renamed

New GNBank signs are being installed at the former Valley National Bank. GNBank announced their new brand to customers in early June, bringing their banks in 14 communities across Kansas and Southeastern Colorado under one common name to better serve customers.  The name change of this family owned and operated bank coincides with its celebration of 100 years in business.


SOS & PATS Center,

20th Anniversary of Prowers Area Transit

Prowers Area Transit has been in operation since 1998 serving the citizens of Prowers County. It has been a wonderful journey over the years.  We have averaged 22,546 riders each year.  Year-to-date over the 20 years, Prowers Area Transit has provided 450,927 transit rides.  We started with 1 transit vehicle and now have 4 transit vehicles that run daily.

Over the years there have been many partners, sponsors and organizations (governmental and private) that have helped us to continue to provide this service including Prowers County, Colorado Department of Transportation, Area Agency on Aging, Colorado Department of Local Affairs(CSBG) and the City of Lamar. To all of these and numerous others we say ‘THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT’.

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