Election Ballots Mailing Schedule & Important Dates




Ballots will be mailed the week of October 15-19, 2018. If you are not sure about your registration information, contact the County Clerk and Recorder’s Office at 719-336-8011, election@prowerscounty.net for assistance.  Make your corrections today to ensure you are able to vote for all of the candidates and issues in your area.  You can also check your voter registration information at www.govotecolorado.com.

Inactive voters will not have a ballot automatically mailed to them for the November 6, 2018 General Election. Official Ballots cannot be forward and the Postal Service will send ballots back to our office as undeliverable if you do not have your correct mailing address on file with our Office.

Sample Ballots are now posted on the Prowers County Website for the 2018 General Election at: www.prowerscounty.net under Departments and Elections.



  • Monday, October 15-19, 2018: Ballots will be mailed to all active eligible electors. Also made available, 24/7 drive by/walk up ballot drop box in the east entrance of the courthouse parking lot.
  • Monday, October 15-19, 2018: Last day to submit an application to register to vote through a voter registration drive. (no later than 22 days before the election)
  • Monday, October 29, 2018: Last day to submit an application to register to vote through the mail, a voter registration agency, a local driver’s license examination facility, or online to receive a ballot in the mail for the General Election. (through the 8th day prior to the election)
  • Monday, October 29, 2018: Last day to file an absentee ballot application to receive the absentee ballot by mail if you are absent from your home address.
  • Monday, October 29, 2018 – November 6, 2018: Voters can register to vote, obtain a replacement ballot or drop off their mail in ballots in person at the Prowers County Clerk and Recorder’s Office, 301 S. Main St., Ste. 210, Lamar, CO 81052.Prowers County Clerk and Recorder’s Office: Election Department will be open on Saturday, October 27 and Saturday, November 3 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. for ballot drop off, replacement ballots.
  • November 6, 2018: ELECTION DAY

Prowers County Clerk and Recorder’s Office is open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., 301 S. Main St., Ste. 210, Lamar, CO 81052.

  • Return mail ballots, with appropriate postage or hand deliver to: Prowers County Clerk’s Office, 301 S. Main St., Ste. 210, Lamar, CO 81052.

Ballots must be received by 7:00 p.m., Election Night (November 6, 2018) in order to be counted. Postmark dates do not count as received.

The Election Department can be reached at 336-8011 for voter and election questions or by emailing at election@prowerscounty.net . Like our Facebook page.Jana Coen
Prowers County Clerk and Recorder


Filed Under: City of GranadaCity of HollyCity of LamarCity of WileyCountyElectionsFeaturedMedia Release


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