Raising Funds on the Run


Friendly Shopper Competition at Safeway

Sparrow House Ministries received cash, coupons and discounts this past Friday, September 14th, worth approximately $2,000 that will purchase groceries for the organization’s food bank.

Colorado Mills Team

The way the funds were raised during a unique event held at Safeway on East Olive Street. Theron Hammer, of Edward Jones Investments on South Main Street, incorporated an idea from a similar fundraising event held annually in Aurora.  He spoke to Joel and Veronica Jacoby, directors of Sparrow House in Lamar, as well as Safeway Manager, Matt McMillan who said he was happy to participate.

TBK Shoppers

Teams from KVAY Radio, TBK Bank and Colorado Mills each raised funds which would be spent purchasing non-perishable food items at the grocery store as close as possible to the amount of money they had raised within a ten minute time limit.

Joel and Veronica Jacoby from Sparrow House with Matt McMillan from Safeway

Hammer contributed $50 to each team and Safeway provided $66 which brought Colorado Mill’s spending allotment to $816, TBK Bank’s team had $416 and KVAY had $266. That sum, coupled with discounts and coupons came close to the $2,000 mark that will go towards the food pantry for Sparrow House.

Jacoby’s with Theron Hammer

Joel Jacoby said, “Our demand for groceries is always high, around 1,200 persons per month and we’re right at the start of a high demand period with the holidays ahead of us.” Theron remarked that he’d like to see this become an annual event, “I contacted these three groups basically because of their current level of community involvement.  The Aurora fundraiser comes close to having 30-35 teams a year which brings in about $1,000 per team.  Their event is sponsored by their city’s economic development organization.”  Hammer hopes to see the event continue in Lamar on a larger scale, if possible.

Monica Leiker and Chris Fox of KLMR/KVAY Getting the Basics

The trophies, provided by Hammer, were given to the teams in order of donation amounts, Colorado Mills, TBK and KVAY/KLMR.

Sparrow House Ministries food pantry is available Thursdays at the Calvary Baptist Church from 6 to 7:30pm and first and third Thursdays from Noon until 1:30pm.

By Russ Baldwin

(Correction:  the article was amended to reflect that 1,200 persons are served, not $1,200 is spent, each month for the food pantry.  That sum is much higher.)

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