Letter to the Editor: from Heritage Defenders
Barbara Crimond | May 03, 2018 | Comments 0
Dear Editor:
May 2, 2018
On behalf of Heritage Defenders in southeast Colorado, I would like to present some facts about a very important issue infiltrating our community. Heritage Defender’s goal is to be supportive to our community and held educate and inform fellow citizens about information that is relative to our community. We have spent countless hours researching a database called EBSCO that the City of Lamar subscribes to and spends thousands of taxpayers’ dollars to fund within the public library. But, more importantly, the children locally, as well as state and nationwide are being sexually exploited by this powerful global database.
Schools in virtually every Colorado District are sponsoring K-12 digital “research” or “homework” databases that have been usurped by EBSCO and its corporate partners to target minors with obscene and pornographic material, promotions and advertisements for the multi-billion dollar sex industry. EBSCO sells digital products to schools which are embedded with “erotic” stories, articles and images which are obscene for minors, and even live links to hard core pornography sites. School sponsored digital databases and school owned equipment stream full color advertisements for the flourishing 15 billion dollar “sex toy” industry. Since EBSCO products are PROPRIETARY, they are designed to BYPASS school filters so that children may be targeted both on and off school property. A local librarian cannot simply “make a phone call” to rid the library of offensive material. EBSCO, as a powerful, global, multi-million dollar entity cannot violate their mandates within their subscription contracts. Heritage Defenders questions the local library’s compliance with the Federal Child Internet Protection Act.
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation, headed by Patrick Truman, former Chief of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, has named EBSCO to its list of Dirty Dozen companies in 2017 and 2018. The CDE/State Library is siphoning our tax dollars to fund Colorado’s EBSCO wholesaler, the “CLiC” (Colorado Library Consortium). The CDE also directs millions of our tax dollars as direct grants to schools and libraries state wide – this money is then used to purchase EBSCO products from CLiC. The pornographic material has been accessed by members of Heritage Defenders, alongside of Lamar city and school officials on their computers, with links claiming to be “homework help.”
(explora, academic search premier, etc. with hundreds of periodicals to search from, as well as “other databases) Our group has been accused of being “misguided” yet the facts speak for themselves!
Thank you,
Barbara Hernandez
Surry Ridge
Filed Under: Letters to the Editor
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