Prairie Dutch Oven Cooking Brought to Life

Harts in Dutch Oven Cooking Competition

Chad and Cheryl Hart of Lamar recently competed in the Lazy E Chuck Wagon cooking contest in Guthrie, Oklahoma with Mountain Trails chuck wagon team of Rye, Colorado, head cook, Dave Wade. Placing 6th overall out of 11 chuckwagons was good for the first event of the year.  As a result of last year’s events, Mountain Trails chuck wagon qualified for the National chuck wagon cook-off. The team is preparing to compete at Fredericksburg, Texas April 5th through the 7th.

If you would like to see meals prepared in Dutch ovens, visit the Prowers County Fair this August. Thursday, August 9th, several teams of cooks will be preparing a main dish, bread and desert for the public to sample.   Cooks will answer questions and show you what cooking is like in Dutch ovens. The teams will consist of a head cook and several people who want to learn and experience this type of cooking.  If you are interested in participating as a team member call 336-7601, no experience necessary  only an interest in having fun.

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