Atmos Energy Pipe Replacement Projects Rescheduled For June, 2018

Main Street Lamar


LAMAR, Colo. (Feb. 8, 2018) – Atmos Energy has rescheduled its’ pipe replacement projects in Lamar, Colorado for June, 2018. The projects have been delayed until summer due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts.

Atmos Energy is investing millions of dollars to replace aging infrastructure throughout Colorado to further increase the reliability and safety of its natural gas delivery system. In 2018, these pipe-replacement efforts will be focused in Greeley, Durango and Lamar, Colorado.

“Starting in June, we will be upgrading natural gas pipelines located in city streets including the gas line that connects to our customers’ meters,” said Jennifer Altieri, Atmos Energy Director of Public Affairs.

“Residents can expect to see construction signs throughout their neighborhood and door hangers will be reissued notifying them of any activity that is about to take place.”

The pipe replacement projects in Lamar are expected to last about a month, concluding sometime in July, 2018.

“We are working closely with Lamar city officials and our local fire departments to minimize disruption that may accompany these upgrades,” said Altieri.

For questions regarding Atmos Energy’s upcoming pipe replacement projects, visit: or call 1-888-286-6700.

Filed Under: City of LamarConsumer IssuesEnvironmentFeaturedMedia ReleasePublic SafetyTransportationUtilities


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