Letter to the Editor:

Dear Editor,
Often citizens in our area find out that something major has occurred in the community that they had no knowledge of or involvement in. I am concerned about the “stories” regarding refugee resettlement that, to myself and others, are unclear. Pastor Steven Grant from Weld County (Greeley) will be in our community to “shed some light” and truth on the subject of refugee resettlement and why all of Colorado needs to educate themselves on this subject. Pastor Grant has experienced the effects in his county firsthand and shares how even rural Colorado can be affected.
Pastor Grant, author of the book, “America In The Bible,” has graciously volunteered to offer an educational presentation in Lamar regarding refugee resettlement in Colorado.All citizens and leaders of our county and city are encouraged to take this opportunity to learn more about the effects of refugee resettlement in Colorado and our community.
This enlightening event will be held from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Cow Palace Colorado Room on Thursday, August 24th. There will be a light supper followed by Pastor Grant’s presentation.
Please take the time to learn about this very timely information.
“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.” Proverbs 3:13
Kind regards,
Belinda Groner
Lamar, Colorado

Filed Under: City of LamarLetters to the Editor


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