RSSArchive for June 7th, 2017

Boggsville Highlights Canyons & Plains Regional Meeting June 8th

Boggsville Highlights Canyons & Plains Regional Meeting June 8th

Canyons & Plains of Southeast Colorado will hold their Regional meeting in Lamar, Colorado Thursday, June 8 at 10am at the Cow Palace hotel courtyard. The presentation will be about Boggsville. Larry Bourne, site manager, will update everyone on the efforts made for the recent months to get Boggsville a tourism ready site and also discuss […]

PMC Part of BridgeCare Hospital Health Network

PMC Part of BridgeCare Hospital Health Network

    Mt. San Rafael Hospital, Parkview Medical Center, Prowers Medical Center, Southeast Colorado Hospital District, Spanish Peaks Regional Health Center come together to improve care in the region.  (Lamar, CO, June 7, 2017) There are more than 20,000 square miles in Southeastern Colorado and a new partnership will help connect the people in those […]

Downtown Pocket Park is Nearing End of First Phase of Construction

Downtown Pocket Park is Nearing End of First Phase of Construction

Lamar City Administrator, John Sutherland, said the Pocket Park is, “Coming along nicely,” during the Redevelopment Board meeting on June 5th.  “The pavers are going in and the color scheme is also pulling the structure together.” He said some artwork is being donated by the Arkansas Valley Board of Realtors and Community Development Manager, Angie […]

Marijuana Economic Feasibilities Discussed for Prowers County

Several decades ago, a Doonesbury cartoon character, Zonker, stated about marijuana, “It may not be right or wrong, but it sure is against the law!” The passage of Amendment 64 in Colorado changed that aspect for the new state industry and members of the PEP board, Prowers Economic Prosperity, discussed how some communities have prospered […]

Nursing Home Proposal Presented to PEP Board

Nursing Home Proposal Presented to PEP Board

Jillane Hixson, Prowers County resident, represented her group for Sage Brush Meadows, Inc. to the Prowers Economic Prosperity board in their goal to develop a new nursing home in the Lamar area. She addressed the PEP members, Tuesday, June 6th, accompanied by Brad Semmens and Jay Brooke.  The concept of a new nursing home has […]