RSSArchive for May 2nd, 2017

Birth Announcement:  Burquez

Birth Announcement: Burquez

Brianna Delgado and Anthony Burquez of Las Animas, Colorado announce the birth of their daughter, Aniyah Ray Burquez at 10:50pm at Prowers Medical Center on April 24, 2017 with Dr. Foley attending.  Aniyah weighed five pounds and 10 ounces and was 18.5 inches in length at birth.  Brothers/Sisters:  Uriah Roddriguez.  Grandparents:  Desirae Gonzales and great-grandmother […]

LCC Students, faculty and community members Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

LCC Students, faculty and community members Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

  (Lamar, Colorado; May 1, 2017)  Saturday, April 22, marked a first for a handful of men as they walked a mile down Savage Avenue in bright red high heels.  The fun, though painful, walk was part of a new event on the Lamar Community College campus: Walk a Mile in Her Shoes. Walk a […]

Lamar Days Breakfast Becomes Downtown  BBQ Lunch

Lamar Days Breakfast Becomes Downtown BBQ Lunch

For numerous years, the Lamar Chamber of Commerce sponsored the traditional Friday morning, Good Morning Lamar Breakfast which was held at the Lamar Elks Lodge and later, at the Lamar Eagles Lodge. The event kicked-off the annual Lamar Days festivities.  This year, there will be a change as the chambers directors decided that instead of […]