Birth Announcements: Aparicio -/- Gacique



Robert and Lillian Aparicio of Lamar, Colorado announce the birth of their son, Jovan Jesus Aparicio at 8:24am at Prowers Medical Center on May 27, 2016 with Dr. Abbott attending. Jovan weighed six pounds and 11.2 ounces and was 20.5 inches in length at birth.  Brothers/Sisters: Julisa and Robert Junior Aparicio.  Grandparents:  Veronica and Carlos Marta and Silvia and Roberto Aparicio.


Juana Cacique Vazquez and Jose Delasalud Galicia of Granada, Colorado announce the birth of their son, Jose Salud Galicia Cacique at 12:31pm at Prowers Medical Center on May 26, 2016 with Sharon Hendricks attending. Jose weighed nine pounds and seven ounces and was 21.5 inches in length at birth.  Brothers/Sisters: Kaylee Lupita Galicia Cacique.  Grandparents: Hortencia Vazquez, Moices Cacique Avila.


Filed Under: Births


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