Quackers and Rotary Hold Ducky Dash at Lamar Pool
Barbara Crimond | May 25, 2016 | Comments 0
One of the more unique attractions at the Lamar Days Celebration is the annual Ducky Dash, developed by the Lamar Rotarians. Years ago the annual fundraising event was held at the Lamar Canal where the bridge spans North Main Street. Hundreds of small rubber/plastic ducks were dumped into the canal waters where the ducks made a ‘dash’ for it. The numbered ducks would cross the finish line and if your duck won, based on the raffle ticket you purchased, you did too.
As you might imagine, tracking down the loose ducks and cleaning them up for the next fundraiser race was a chore. For the past several years, the Rotarians kept to dry land, but made it just as interesting for participants. A huge roller drum was constructed to hold and rotate all the ducks. Youngsters from the area raced each other at Willow Creek Park and the winners would receive gift certificates for their efforts and the honor of drawing the winning ducks from the drum.
This time, the Rotarians put the ducks back into the water, as all 1800-Plus slid down the spiral water slide and into the pool. From there, winning racers were given nets with which to draw the winning ducks at random. The proceeds help the local Rotary fund their on-going campaign to supply reading materials for youngsters in southeast Colorado, specifically 3rd graders who receive their own hard copy of a comprehensive dictionary. For many students, it was the first book they had ever received and a gift many have held onto long past their high school graduation.
This year saw seven winners in the drawing: Joe Spitz, Rick Robbins, Debbie Widener (twice) and Anderson and Company were all third place finishers, winning $100 apiece. The Rodeway Cow Palace Inn was the second place winner, receiving $250 and the grand prize winner, Jean Dikeman from Denver, was visiting the Rod Run Car Show when she purchased her winning ticket which earned her $750.
By Russ Baldwin
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