Lamar Council Sets Three Public Hearings for May 23

Lamar-Airport-Air-Show-2013-7A public hearing for a special events permit has been set for May 23rd by the Lamar City Council following a request by Lamar Partnership Inc.  LPI wishes to host a beer garden at the annual Windmill Tournament scheduled for July 8-9 of this year at the ballfields.  Windmill players must be at least 18 to participate and be out of high school.  Two earlier public hearings requests were also set for May 23rd for two seasonal street dances hosted each year by the Buzzard’s Roost and for a beer garden for this year’s Sand and Sage Fair at the Prowers County Fairgrounds in August.

Lamar Mayor, Roger Stagner, signed a purchase agreement with Tri-State Fireworks for $8,000 for the annual Lamar Fire Department fireworks display held on the 4th of July.  This is the same amount purchased annually by the fire department.  Fire Chief Jeremy Burkhart explained the department has used Tri-State for the past five years.  “They assist us with the electronic firing system and we have it on loan to Granada for their July 3rd event and perhaps for Holly as I believe they are planning to re-start their fireworks display for July 5th,” he explained.  Burkhart said the company trains department members on fireworks safety and assists in the required insurance to hold the annual events.

The Colorado State High School Rodeo Finals are set for Lamar May 27-30 and the council voted to approve the organization’s request for a discount on the ambulance stand-by fees associated with these types of events. There will be six stand-bys to coincide with the contests.  The hourly fees of the ambulance crews will be paid. The council waived the $100 fee for the ambulance.  This was requested in the original bid contract to host the rodeo event.

Rick Akers, Lamar Parks and Recreation Director, presented the council with the annual contract for the concession stand at the Lamar Community Building, requested by the Lamar Savage Booster Club. The city will received 8% of the net income from food sales for the 2016-2017 year.

The Parks and Cemetery Department’s request for two new mowers and a mow deck was approved by the council. Total cost is $15,949 and funding will come from the Fairmount Investment Fund as well as the Conservation Trust Fund.  These were not budgeted items, but the money is available.

The council approved a contract with Design Workshop to develop construction documents needed for bids for the proposed pocket park between Daylight Donuts and the Shore Arts Center on Main Street. The contract is for $20,500 and has been funded through a grant received from DOLA, State Department of Local Affairs.  City Administrator, John Sutherland, Angie Cue, Community Development Manager and Rick Akers met with the design team prior to their contract being forwarded to the council.

The city made some money on the recent auction of unused and discontinued equipment. Jim Civis of Civis Auction Company informed the city, the proceeds came to $44,682 and less commission, advertising and other related costs, the city netted $38,601.  City Treasurer, Kristin McCrea, said the funds will be allocated per department based on their equipment donation.  She praised Civis Auctioneers for their comprehensive breakdown on fees and proceeds.

Administrator Sutherland reminded the council about upcoming community events including the annual Prowers Medical Center health fair, Tuesday thru Thursday from 7 to 11am; this Friday and Saturday, the annual Wild West BBQ Cook-off will be held at Willow Creek Park; the traditional Good Morning Lamar Breakfast is scheduled for 6:45am at the Lamar Eagles Lodge on Friday, May 20th and reservations are required; the annual Lamar Days celebrations will be held May 21st including the Lions Annual Breakfast between 6a and 9am at the Masonic Lodge, the Rod Run Car Show, the annual parade, the Lamar Rotary Ducky Dash and the opening of the Lamar Swimming Pool.  The council went into executive session to discuss negotiations regarding shared expenses with the county for the 2017 budget.

By Russ Baldwin

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