Six LCC Athletes Sign Letters of Intent

2016-LCC-April-signingThe April 13, 2016 NCAA signing date saw six Lamar Community College sophomores sign letters of intent scholarships.  From left to right.  Lalo Porras signed with Lewis & Clark State College; Jeremy Hochmuth signed with University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; Alex DeBell signed with Tarelton State University; Beecher Strube signed with Metro State University Denver; Andrew Schwulst signed with West Texas A & M University; and Ryan Laydon signed with University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.

These six sophomore join the four Lopes that signed during the early signing period in November of 2015.  Joe Rosenstein (Washington State University), Donny Ortiz (Metro State U of Denver), Jocob Giron (University of Arkansas Pine Bluff), and Ambros Romero (Colorado State University Pueblo)

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