RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Sand Creek Massacre"

Sand Creek Receives $400,000 Grant from NEH

Sand Creek Receives $400,000 Grant from NEH

Denver, Colo. (April 16, 2021) — The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced this week that it is awarding $400,000 to to support a new, long-term exhibition at the History Colorado Center that recounts the deadliest day in Colorado history—the 1864 atrocity known as the Sand Creek Massacre—with the voices of Cheyenne and Arapaho […]

Free Presentation on the Causes of the Sand Creek Massacre

Free Presentation on the Causes of the Sand Creek Massacre

  “I tell you, Ned, it was hard to see little children on their knees have their brains beat out by men professing to be civilized.” So wrote Captain Silas S. Soule in 1864, shortly after the national tragedy known as the Sand Creek Massacre. Two hundred and thirty souls – Cheyenne and Arapaho men, […]

Aug. 5 Sand Creek Walking Tour Available for Public

Aug. 5 Sand Creek Walking Tour Available for Public

  The Sand Creek Massacre is a seminal event in American Indian history, a brutal massacre that took 230 Cheyenne and Arapaho lives in a surprise raid by Colorado (US) Volunteer Cavalry during the Civil War. At 10:00 am on Saturday, August 5, join Park Ranger Teri Jobe on a free guided tour that discusses […]

18th Annual Sand Creek Massacre Spiritual Healing Run/Walk

18th Annual Sand Creek Massacre Spiritual Healing Run/Walk

The 18th Annual Sand Creek Massacre Spiritual Healing Run begins at 7:00 am Thursday, November 24, 2016, at the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site. The run/walk is an annual event sponsored by the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana, the Northern Arapaho Tribe of Wyoming, and the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes (Oklahoma) to honor the […]

Free Historic Lecture at Plains Theater

Free Historic Lecture at Plains Theater

The Sand Creek Massacre is a seminal event in American Indian history, a brutal massacre that took 230 Cheyenne and Arapaho lives in a surprise raid by Union troops during the Civil War. At 5 pm on Saturday, October 22, join ranger Mario Medina at the Plains Theater in Eads as he presents a free […]

Free Guided Walking Tour of Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site

Free Guided Walking Tour of Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site

The Sand Creek Massacre is a seminal event in American Indian history, a brutal massacre that took 230 Cheyenne and Arapaho lives in a surprise raid by Colorado (U.S.) Volunteer Cavalry during the Civil War. At 10:00 am on Saturday, October 8, join a park ranger on a guided tour that traces the path of […]

Free Program on Hispanic Volunteers During the  Sand Creek Massacre

Free Program on Hispanic Volunteers During the Sand Creek Massacre

In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, national parks all over the country are inviting Americans to come and experience the contributions of Hispanic Americans to our national history. With this in mind, Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site (NHS) will be presenting a free program commemorating Hispanic participation in the Sand Creek Massacre. On […]

Sand Creek Massacre Site Recruiting Volunteers

Sand Creek Massacre Site Recruiting Volunteers

Last year over 5,800 tourists visited Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site (NHS) near Eads, Colorado. Ranger staff responded by presenting over 450 formal interpretive and education programs. This year, the park is recruiting for volunteers to assist staff with visitor services such as welcoming and orienting the public and presenting short interpretive programs. Sand […]

Special Walking Tour of Sand Creek Massacre

Special Walking Tour of Sand Creek Massacre

The massacre of about 230 Cheyenne and Arapaho men, women, and children along the banks of the Big Sandy Creek in southeastern Colorado, known today as the Sand Creek Massacre, will be the topic of a free interpretive walking tour at the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site (NHS) on Saturday, June 18, 2016. Reservations […]

Birder’s Eye View of Lamar

Lamar hosted the Colorado Field Ornithologists 54th Annual Convention May 5th through the 8th with an estimated 225 members on hand for the activities.  As part of the welcoming event, members were treated to a catered BBQ dinner at Willow Creek Park with Mayor Roger Stagner providing introductory remarks to the crowd which enjoyed a […]

Sand Creek to Host Program on Battle of the Washita

To celebrate its 100th anniversary, the National Park Service has launched the Find Your Park campaign. The Park Service is inviting Americans to discover parks near them. With this in mind, Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site (NHS) in southeastern Colorado has partnered with Washita Battlefield National Historic Site (NHS) in western Oklahoma to link two national parks […]