RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Sage Brush Meadows"

Lamar Council, No Motion on Nursing Home Resolution

Lamar Council, No Motion on Nursing Home Resolution

    Proponents of the Sage Brush Meadows Nursing Home were given their public hearing Monday, July 9th, by the Lamar City Council, their apparent final chance to have the council approve a Special District presented through their Service Plan, which outlined the need for a new nursing home in Lamar and would include an […]

Skateboarders Are Enjoying Wheels Park

Skateboarders Are Enjoying Wheels Park

    Ms Ashley Mayjoy, RN, BSN is involved in a capstone project researching a community health policy which could benefit Lamar as the city has opened the long-awaited Wheels/Skateboard Park and the proposed Lamar Loop. Her research involves the question of personal safety for residents who will use the facilities, specifically for safety headgear […]

Council Requests Clarifications on Resolution to Create Health Services District

Council Requests Clarifications on Resolution to Create Health Services District

    The Lamar City Council has asked the proponents of the Sage Brush Meadows Nursing Home project for additional detailed information on their service plan and distinctions regarding how the proposed 1% sales tax increase for the new district would distinguish sales tax from user’s tax applications. The proponents of the health services district […]

Sage Brush Meadows Prepares for City Council Meeting, Briefs PEP Board

Sage Brush Meadows Prepares for City Council Meeting, Briefs PEP Board

Jillane Hixson, one of the organizers of the proposed Sage Brush Meadows skilled-care facility planned for Lamar, briefed the Prowers Economic Prosperity (PEP) board members on their progress, during the PEP monthly meeting held at the Green Garden Restaurant this past Tuesday, May 1st. Hixson stated, “We are moving forward, and the feasibility study is […]

Development Plans for Sage Brush Meadows Nursing Home Moving Forward

Development Plans for Sage Brush Meadows Nursing Home Moving Forward

  Jay Brooke, representing the proposed Sage Brush Meadows Nursing Home, provided an update on the progress being made to the development of the facility, which will be located just south of Lamar along Highway 287 and north of Spreading Antlers Golf Course. The plans call for a comprehensive long-term and innovative skilled care facility, […]

PEP Seeks Support for Ag-Oriented Legislative Bill

PEP Seeks Support for Ag-Oriented Legislative Bill

    Aaron Leiker, President of PEP, Prowers Economic Prosperity, detailed a state senate bill that if passed, could help steamline regulations for agriculture producers that are transporting their goods to this portion of the state. Leiker addressed the board members on the issue during the monthly PEP meeting which was held at the Rancher’s […]

PEP Offers Matching Funds for Nursing Home Feasibility Study

PEP Offers Matching Funds for Nursing Home Feasibility Study

Proponents for Sage Brush Meadows, a planned 80 bed, nursing home, have until September 15th to submit a letter of intent to apply for a feasibility study grant from the USDA.  Jillane Hixson, a spokesperson for the project, briefed the Prowers Economic Prosperity (PEP) board of directors on the concept this past June.  She said […]

Nursing Home Proposal Presented to PEP Board

Nursing Home Proposal Presented to PEP Board

Jillane Hixson, Prowers County resident, represented her group for Sage Brush Meadows, Inc. to the Prowers Economic Prosperity board in their goal to develop a new nursing home in the Lamar area. She addressed the PEP members, Tuesday, June 6th, accompanied by Brad Semmens and Jay Brooke.  The concept of a new nursing home has […]