RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Buzzard’s Roost"

Lamar Council Notes Pedal the Plains Attendance Size, Sets Administrator Recruitment in Motion

Lamar Council Notes Pedal the Plains Attendance Size, Sets Administrator Recruitment in Motion

  The bikes are coming, and with them and their riders presenting the need for parking space in Lamar during the Pedal the Plains event September 13-15th. The organizing group received council permission to expand the originally approved parking area for RV’s for overnight camping on Park Street.  Because of increased reservations, the organizers are […]

Music Jams Approved for the Roost

Music Jams Approved for the Roost

The Buzzard’s Roost in Lamar was granted a Temporary Modification of Premise application for their two annual music festivals held June 17-18 for the Country Jam and on September 16-17 for the Road Jam. The Lamar City Council held a brief public hearing on the request during their regular meeting, April 24th.  A portion of […]

Recognizing a Championship Season

The Lamar City Council issued a resolution honoring the Lamar High School Girls Basketball State Tournament Team for their championship performance this year in Class 3-A Basketball. Their achievement marks the 5th state girl’s title and their first in 19 years.  Lamar Mayor, Roger Stagner, awarded each player with her own Key to the City […]

2nd Annual Pirate’s Party at the Buzzard’s Roost Big Success

2nd Annual Pirate’s Party at the Buzzard’s Roost Big Success

Once again, our communities came together for fun and a great cause at the annual Pirate’s Party hosted by the Buzzard’s Roost.  A wide variety of wonderful auction items were available for bidding, in addition to live music by Judi, the Buzzard’s famous pizza and a lively crowd. The highlight of the evening was and […]

Lamar City Council Okays Special Event and Premise Modification Applications

Lamar City Council Okays Special Event and Premise Modification Applications

The Lamar City Council held three public hearings during their Monday night meeting, May 23rd, beginning with the application for a temporary modification of premises request from Jay Gruber, owner of the Buzzard’s Roost for the June 11-12 annual Country Jam and the September 17-18, 2016 Annual Road Jam. A portion of Hickory Street in […]

Public Hearings Set for Beer Garden and Country Jam

Public Hearings Set for Beer Garden and Country Jam

  The Lamar City Council set May 23rd for two public hearings during their meeting, Monday, April 25th.  One pertains to a request from the Buzzard’s Roost for a temporary modification of premise application for their annual Country Jam, scheduled for June 11th-12th and the Road Jam September 17th and 18th.  The same date was […]