All Entries Tagged With: "Bev Haggard"
Council Receives Update on Ports to Plains Corridor Alliance
Beverly Haggard, former Lamar City Councilwoman, has been the city’s liaison with the Ports to Plains Alliance for numerous years. The Alliance’s plan is to upgrade the 2,300 mile P2P corridor from Mexico to Canada to a four-lane divided highway or Interstate Highway to better serve the economic driving forces of all the […]
Council Begins Community Improvements for 2020
The Lamar Redevelopment Authority voted to table a request for $5,105 in additional funding for Wild West Athletics during its December 23rd meeting. The funding is intended to cover unanticipated exterior work at Wild West Athletics at 110 North Main Street in Lamar. The LRA had earlier approved a request for $8,920 for […]
Council Requests Clarifications on Resolution to Create Health Services District
The Lamar City Council has asked the proponents of the Sage Brush Meadows Nursing Home project for additional detailed information on their service plan and distinctions regarding how the proposed 1% sales tax increase for the new district would distinguish sales tax from user’s tax applications. The proponents of the health services district […]
Lamar Council Gets Financial Status Report
City Administrator, John Sutherland, provides periodic financial updates for the council during their bi-monthly meeting schedule and said that despite some lower numbers for the City Sales Tax Revenue, overall expenses are below budget so far this year. The May summery sheet outlined some of the more prominent financial features for the city […]