Lamar Rotary Club helps kickstart Lamar Lions Club flag project

Presenting a check from the Lamar Rotary Club to help kickstart the Lamar Lions flag project are (left to right): Leslie Stagner, Colorado Welcome Center Director; John Davis with the Lamar Lions club; Meagan Hillman, Lamar Rotary Club President and Courtney Neuhold, Lamar Rotary Club member


The Lamar Rotary Club recently presented a check to the Lamar Lions Club for the planned flag project at the Colorado Welcome Center.  The Lions are soliciting donations for the project, a 20 by 30 foot American flag atop an 80 foot pole.  The expected cost of the project is approximately $20-25,000.  Donations are tax-exempt.  Donations are being accepted at the Welcome Center.

By Barbara Crimond

Filed Under: CharityCity of LamarFeatured

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