Lamar’s paving season to begin soon

The City of Lamar Street Department is set to begin its 2024 paving season after equipment availability delays and the City’s recent wind storm held up progress for two weeks. Rotomilling and repaving will start on Monday, September 9th and run through October 25th. Street work generally occurs Monday – Thursday during this period. The City’s schedule is subject to change due to weather, equipment, and material limitations.

Each year, the City budgets and plans for street improvements that include rotomilling identified existing streets’ surfaces to eliminate previous asphalt layers. These rotomillings are saved and recycled for other City projects when appropriate. This year, the City plans to spend close to $400,000 on asphalt, equipment rental, and supplies. Each street that is rotomilled will receive a fresh 2” asphalt overlay.

This year, the Street Department plans to complete rotomill/overlay projects on:

  • Garden Lane from 12th to 11th Street (9/9 – 9/10)
  • 11th Street from W. Cedar south to the Fort Bent Canal (9/9 – 9/12)
  • Sherman Street from Main to 5th Street
  • Parmenter Street from Main to 6th Street
  • Parmenter Street from 7th west to 8th Street
  • Walnut from 12th west to 13th Street (rebuild)
  • Pearl Street from 12th to 13th Street
  • Willow Valley 4” rebuild within the 100, 500, and 700 blocks, additional map will follow
  • 10th Street from Oak Street to Parmenter
  • Division Street from Olive to Parmenter
  • 100 block of Willow Valley (rebuild)
  • Additional streets may be added as time and funds allow

Residents of effected streets will be notified a day or two before construction is to begin. Lamar Street personnel will visit each house and leave door hangers at residences where no one answers. The City will post daily/weekly updates on project locations on Facebook and Instagram and send notifications on the City’s app (available through Apple’s App Store and Google Play; turn on notifications to receive alerts).

The City requests that residents comply with all road closures in the project areas to keep residents and crews safe. The City of Lamar appreciates citizens’ patience and cooperation as we continue to make improvements.

Learn more about the City’s plan and progress toward better streets, including a current road condition grading map at Please contact Public Works at 719-336-2002 if you have additional questions.

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Filed Under: City of LamarFeaturedMedia Release

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