Sand and Sage Roundup Royalty participate in recent events

Queen Jaelin Parker at Cheyenne County Tumbleweed Fair

The Sand and Sage Roundup Royalty girls have been busy!  Queen Jaelin Parker recently attended the Cheyenne County Tumbleweed Fair on July 19th and 20th.  She assisted in carrying the rodeo sponsor flags during the PRCA Rodeo and got to do a lap on her horse on Friday.  On Saturday, she attended the parade, royalty luncheon and PRCA Rodeo, again carrying sponsor flags.  She also got to meet Sean Stemaly and his band, who performed a concert after the rodeo.  Jaelin said “It was a good weekend and I was thankful for the opportunity to get to assist the Cheyenne County Royalty while our other 3 girls were representing us in a different state!”

Harper Hawkins (left), Aspen Hawkins (center) and Hailey Pearson (right) at Cheyenne Frontier Days

Also on July 19th and 20th, Aspen Hawkins (Lady in Waiting), Hailey Pearson (Princess) and Harper Hawkins (Little Miss) were participating in the“Daddy of em’ All”, Cheyenne Frontier Days.  The girls attended the Royalty Brunch on Friday and rode on the Royalty Trailer during the event’s parade.

Look for all the Sand and Sage Roundup Royalty at the upcoming Sand and Sage Roundup!

By Barbara Crimond

Filed Under: FeaturedYouth


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