City Council meeting of July 22, 2024

All council members were present for the July 22, 2024 meeting. As there were no persons wanting to speak during the Public Comments portion of the meeting, Mayor Crespin reminded everyone that this is their chance to address Council if they have concerns.

Kristin Scwartz gave the Treasurer report, informing Council that the DOLA grant for the city’s new wastewater plant was awarded.  Also in progress is CDA funding through the EPA.  She also reported that the city audit has been completed and submitted to the state and that Ronny Farmer will present it to Council at a future meeting.

Linda Clark, in the Clerk’s report, told Council about June sales tax reports and lots purchased at area cemeteries.  Discussed was the ongoing problem with regulating yard sales and food trucks in town.  Mayor Crespin added that the city is trying to find the best way to manage the food trucks, as he’s received complaints from local restaurants who say the trucks are taking business away from them and they argue that they are paying utilities, property tax etc., while the trucks aren’t.  Council agreed to a work session before the next regular council meeting to discuss this further and try to find a solution.  Clark also reported that with the abrupt closure of the Lamar Ledger, which previously posted the city’s legal notices, the city needs to find another paper to publish these.  She recommended the city use the Bent County Democrat for the time being until a final decision can be made.  Several other local publications, including The Prowers Journal, have expressed interest.  Council agreed to further explore options and may decide to accept for this.

City Administrator Rob Evans said recent “coffee with Rob” meetings have gone well.  The next two will be July 24 and 31.  The recent “Friday with the Force” had a great showing and that people had the opportunity to meet the new Chief of Police.  He said that one new police officer was recently hired and “more are in the pipeline”.  He recently received a thank you note to the city from someone who lived elsewhere but who was involved in an accident in Lamar.  The person wanted to thank the police officers who responded, complimenting them on their professionalism so Evans gave a thank you to the department as well.  He also reported that the dog park is coming along well, as are plans for the new archery range.  The Public Works Department has been installing new well heads.  The LaMar opened last week and construction on Arby’s is moving along quickly.

In New Business, it was decided to schedule a public hearing on August 12 for the proposed special event permit for the Lamar Chamber of Commerce’s Oktoberfest’s beer garden.   Also scheduled for a public hearing on August 12 is the proposed liquor license for Villa Azteca, dba Casa Azteca Mexican Grill, located at 1301 S. Main St.  Unanimously approved was a monitoring agreement with Great Plains Security for the police investigations office in the Village Shopping Center.  Nathan Losa was approved for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.  Chris Henderson received re-appointment for a five-year term on the Water Advisory Board.  There is still one opening available for that board.

Before adjourning for Executive Session, Mayor Crespin told Council about a recent Facebook post by a local business owner.  This person talked of driving through Lamar and noticing all the positive changes that have taken place.  Crespin added that many rural communities like ours have become stagnant, but Lamar hasn’t.  He mentioned new businesses, storefronts and signs as positive improvements.  He also said how wonderful it is to hear positive comments about Lamar and then addressed the few negative comments on the post he mentioned.  He said Council is aware of the concerns of homelessness, drugs and crime mentioned but that the city can only do so much at a time but is making progress, especially with the addition of the new police chief who he said “is knocking it out of the park”.  He reminded citizens to “be patient with us and enjoy the little wins because that’s what makes a difference”.

City Council’s next meeting is Monday, August 12 at 7 pm.

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