Barbara Crimond | Feb 22, 2024 | Comments 0
(Lamar, Colorado, February 22, 2024) The City of Lamar will continue its work on its new ten-year comprehensive plan, Crossroads HORIZON with multiple workshops, focus groups, meetings, and other opportunities to give feedback on March 5 – 7, 2024 for City and area residents to learn more and leave their handprints on Lamar’s future. Events will kick off with a Community Drop-In Workshop at 6:00 – 8:00 pm on Tuesday, March 5th at the Lamar Senior Center at 407 E. Olive.
During the Community Drop-in Workshop, attendees will consider themes and strategies for the community’s growth and development, participate in hands-on activities and discussions, and engage with fellow community members, stakeholders, and planners to share ideas. The public is encouraged to attend this meeting. Those who are unable to attend Tuesday evening can attend March’s Common Grounds with City Council at 7:00 am on Wednesday, March 6th in the Cultural Events Center at the City Complex.
The project team will be conducting multiple meetings with specific stakeholder groups. Additional targeted engagement opportunities include:
Tuesday, March 5th: | |
Community Driving Tour | |
Lunchtime meeting with Navigators Committee | |
1:30 – 3:00 pm | Housing Stakeholder Focus Group – allowing stakeholders and the project team to discuss housing opportunities and barriers. Those interested in discussing housing barriers and opportunities are encouraged to attend – space is limited; Multi-Purpose Room at Community Building |
5:30 pm | Overview with Lamar’s Planning & Zoning Commission; Lamar Senior Center, 407 E. Olive |
6:00 – 8:00 pm | Community Drop-In Workshop – everyone is encouraged to attend; Lamar Senior Center, 407 E. Olive |
Wednesday, March 6th: | |
7:00 – 8:00 am | Common Grounds with City Council & Public; Cultural Events Center at the City Complex |
Main Street/Tourism Stakeholder Meeting – allowing stakeholders and the project team to discuss downtown business dynamics and tourism opportunities. | |
Pathfinder Committee Check-in/Report Out | |
1:00 – 2:30 pm | Major Employer Stakeholder Group – allowing stakeholders and the project team to discuss workforce and economic development opportunities and barriers. Those interested in discussing economic development strategies are encouraged to attend – space is limited; Multi-Purpose Room at Community Building |
3:00 – 8:00 pm | Parent/Teacher Conference Outreach – project team members will be present at Lamar Middle School; Alta Vista, Parkview and Washington Elementary Schools to engage busy families in envisioning Lamar’s future. |
Thursday, March 7th: | |
Prowers Economic Prosperity Board of Directors – conversation with project team regarding economic development & housing initiatives and priorities | |
3:00 – 8:00 pm | Parent/Teacher Conference Outreach – project team members will be present at Lamar Middle School; Alta Vista, Parkview and Washington Elementary Schools to engage busy families in envisioning Lamar’s future |
The comprehensive plan is a long-term roadmap for guiding growth, development, and investments in the city. It generally defines paths promoting the community’s vision, values, goals, and strategies and serves as the framework of the community for the next five to ten years providing guidance and implementing strategies for decisions made on public projects, programs, budget, and code updates and regulations. Crossroads HORIZON will help Lamar citizens and leadership define a path that aligns preserving what is best about Lamar with the changes citizens and leadership want to see to thrive in the next ten years.
Prowers County is also engaging in its own five-year comprehensive plan for the unincorporated areas of the county – land not within Lamar, Granada, Holly, or Wiley city limits. The two plans will have touch points, including work to create a joint planning area immediately adjacent to Lamar. Prowers County’s Land Use Administrator, Michelle Hiigel, is a member of the Pathfinder Steering Committee.
The Crossroads HORIZON effort began in late 2023 with multiple stakeholder workshops, an extremely successful Oktoberfest booth with engagement activities, work session with the Lamar High School Student Council, and a presentation to City Council. Future activities include the Pathfinder Steering Committee assisting in establishing a guide for the plan’s elements and content review, and the Navigator Youth Committee advising from a perspective for future generations.
The City will mail postcards with an online survey link after the conclusion of this round of outreach activities. This will be the community’s opportunity to help prioritize themes and concepts discussed during the sessions. Those who are interested in tracking the plan’s progress can find more details, steps, and interim results through a microsite available at the City’s Community Development page,
Please contact Anne-Marie Crampton, Community Development director, for additional information or see on the effort.
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Filed Under: City of Lamar • Consumer Issues • Economy • Featured • Media Release
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