Media Alert
712 lives lost on Colorado Roadways in 2023
State and local agencies gather to share plans for safer roads
Statewide — Colorado traffic fatalities decreased by 7% in 2023 after a recording-setting year in 2022. Colorado transportation officials are hosting a press conference to share newly released 2023 fatality data and the state’s plans to reduce crashes.
What: Press conference by the Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado State Patrol, the Division of Motor Vehicles, and the City and County of Denver to discuss data trends and plans to create safer roads in 2024 and beyond.
When: Monday, Jan. 29, at 11 a.m.
Where: CDOT Headquarters
2829 W. Howard Pl., Denver, CO 80204
*Parking lot to the right of entrance. If it’s cold the event will be held in the auditorium.
*Event can be viewed via live stream on the Colorado State Patrol YouTube channel. Reporters can ask questions via the live stream chat.
Who: Col. Matthew Packard, Chief, Colorado State Patrol
Keith Stefanik, Chief Engineer, CDOT
Electra Bustle, Senior Director, Division of Motor Vehicles
Jen Hillhouse, Director of Transportation and Mobility Planning, City and County of Denver
Why: While overall traffic deaths decreased in 2023, a record high number of pedestrian and bicycle deaths occurred on Colorado roads. State officials share plans to counter the rising trend in vulnerable road user (VRU) fatalities and efforts to decrease all traffic fatalities. These plans include CDOT’s new Shift into Safe campaign, the Advancing Transportation Safety initiative, Colorado’s 2023 VRU Safety Assessment, and continued collaboration with state agencies, law enforcement, local municipalities and safety advocates. Planned projects include new safety campaigns and upcoming roadway improvements.
Crash Not Accident
Note to reporters: Crashes are no accident — they are preventable. We would appreciate you saying ‘crash’ instead of ‘accident’ when reporting.
About CDOT
The Colorado Department of Transportation’s mission is to provide the best multi-modal transportation system that most effectively and safely moves people, goods and information. CDOT maintains more than 23,000 lane miles of highway, more than 3,400 bridges and 35 mountain passes. Our team of employees works tirelessly to reduce the rate and severity of crashes and improve the safety of all modes of transportation. CDOT leverages partnerships with a range of private and public organizations and operates Bustang, an interregional express bus service. Find more details at
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