Grain Stock Report – December 1, 2023


United States Department of Agriculture 



P.O. BOX 150969 · Lakewood, CO 80215-0969 


 Contact: Rodger Ott 

(800) 392-3202 



Off-farm barley stocks in Arizona on December 1, 2023, totaled 112,000 bushels, according to the December 1 Agricultural Survey  and December Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service,  USDA. Off-farm all wheat stocks in Arizona on December 1, 2023, were 3.57 million bushels, down 9 percent from last year. Other  Arizona grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 

Capacity of off-farm commercial grain storage in Arizona totaled 18.00 million bushels on December 1, 2023, unchanged from  December 1, 2022. 


All corn stocks in Colorado on December 1, 2023, were 91.72 million bushels, up 9 percent from December 1, 2022, according to the  December 1 Agricultural Survey and December Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National  Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. All corn stocks stored on farms amounted to 49.00 million bushels, down 13 percent from a year  ago. All corn stored off farms amounted to 42.72 million bushels, up 53 percent from a year ago. Off-farm sorghum stocks totaled  2.83 million bushels on December 1, 2023, up 4 percent from a year ago. Off-farm oat stocks in Colorado were estimated at  17,000 bushels, down 47 percent from last year. Off-farm barley stocks totaled 4.02 million bushels on December 1, 2023, up 42 percent  from a year ago. 

All wheat stocks in Colorado on December 1, 2023, were 43.26 million bushels, up 74 percent from December 1, 2022. All wheat stocks  stored on farms amounted to 9.30 million bushels, up 138 percent from a year ago. All wheat stored off farms amounted to 33.96 million  bushels, up 62 percent from a year ago. Other Colorado grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual  operations. 

Colorado’s on-farm storage capacity totaled 160.00 million bushels on December 1, 2023, down 6 from December 1, 2022. Capacity  of off-farm commercial grain storage in Colorado totaled 138.00 million bushels on December 1, 2023, unchanged from December 1, 2022. 


All oat stocks in Montana on December 1, 2023, were 793,000 bushels, according to the December 1 Agricultural Survey and December  Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. All oats  stored on farms amounted to 750,000 bushels, up 114 percent a year ago. All oats stored off farms amounted to 43,000 bushels. Montana  barley stocks in all positions on December 1, 2023, were 36.32 million bushels, up 26 percent from a year ago. Barley stored on farms  totaled 28.00 million bushels, up 27 percent from last year. Off-farm barley storage was up 23 percent from a year ago to 8.32 million  bushels. 

All wheat stocks in Montana on December 1, 2023, were 123.55 million bushels, up 27 percent from December 1, 2022. All wheat  stocks stored on farms amounted to 88.00 million bushels, up 28 percent from a year ago. All wheat stored off farms amounted to  35.55 million bushels, up 27 percent from a year ago. All Durum wheat stocks on December 1, 2023, were 11.22 million bushels, down 20 percent from a year ago. Other Montana grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 

Montana’s on-farm storage capacity totaled 320.00 million bushels on December 1, 2023, unchanged from December 1, 2022. Capacity  of off-farm commercial grain storage in Montana totaled 88.00 million bushels on December 1, 2023, down 2 percent from  December 1, 2022.

NASS provides accurate, timely, and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write:  USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). 


New Mexico grain stocks on December 1, 2023, were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 

Capacity of off-farm commercial grain storage in New Mexico totaled 12.00 million bushels on December 1, 2023, unchanged from  December 1, 2022. 


Off-farm all wheat stocks in Utah on December 1, 2023, were 4.19 million bushels, up 6 percent from December 1, 2022, according to  the December 1 Agricultural Survey and December Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the  National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Other Utah grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for  individual operations. 

Capacity of off-farm commercial grain storage in Utah totaled 16.00 million bushels on December 1, 2023, down 11 percent from  December 1, 2022. 


Wyoming grain stocks on December 1, 2023, were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. 

Capacity of off-farm commercial grain storage in Wyoming totaled 11.00 million bushels on December 1, 2023, unchanged from  December 1, 2022. 


Corn stored in all positions on December 1, 2023 totaled 12.2 billion bushels, up 13 percent from December 1, 2022. Of the total stocks,  7.83 billion bushels are stored on farms, up 16 percent from a year earlier. Off-farm stocks, at 4.34 billion bushels, are up 7 percent from  a year ago. The September – November 2023 indicated disappearance is 4.53 billion bushels, compared with 4.21 billion bushels during  the same period last year. 

Grain sorghum stored in all positions on December 1, 2023 totaled 188 million bushels, up 18 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks,  at 33.0 million bushels, are up 85 percent from December 1 last year. Off-farm stocks, at 155 million bushels, are up 9 percent from a  year earlier. The September – November 2023 indicated disappearance from all positions is 154 million bushels, up 105 percent from  the same period in 2022. 

Oats stored in all positions on December 1, 2023 totaled 62.6 million bushels, up 17 percent from the stocks on December 1, 2022. Of  the total stocks on hand, 24.0 million bushels are stored on farms, down 1 percent from a year ago. Off-farm stocks totaled 38.5 million  bushels, up 31 percent from the previous year. Indicated disappearance during September – November 2023 totaled 12.7 million bushels. 

Barley stored in all positions on December 1, 2023 totaled 142 million bushels, up 3 percent from December 1, 2022. On-farm stocks  are estimated at 85.9 million bushels, 1 percent below a year ago. Off-farm stocks, at 56.3 million bushels, are 9 percent above December  2022. The September – November 2023 indicated disappearance is 37.6 million bushels, 39 percent above the same period a year earlier. 

All wheat stored in all positions on December 1, 2023 totaled 1.41 billion bushels, up 8 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks are  estimated at 395 million bushels, up 9 percent from last December. Off-farm stocks, at 1.02 billion bushels, are up 7 percent from a year  ago. The September – November 2023 indicated disappearance is 357 million bushels, 23 percent below the same period a year earlier. 

Durum wheat stored in all positions on December 1, 2023 totaled 41.3 million bushels, down 14 percent from a year ago. On-farm  stocks, at 20.6 million bushels, are down 20 percent from December 1, 2022. Off-farm stocks totaled 20.7 million bushels, down  7 percent from a year ago. The September – November 2023 indicated disappearance of 16.0 million bushels is 181 percent above the  same period a year earlier. 

Soybeans stored in all positions on December 1, 2023 totaled 3.00 billion bushels, down 1 percent from December 1, 2022. Soybean  stocks stored on farms totaled 1.45 billion bushels, down 2 percent from a year ago. Off-farm stocks, at 1.55 billion bushels, are up  slightly from last December. Indicated disappearance for September – November 2023 totaled 1.43 billion bushels, down 6 percent from  the same period a year earlier. 

Pulse crops stored in all positions on December 1, 2023 are: dry edible peas, 8.57 million cwt; lentils, 2.82 million cwt; all chickpeas, 3.19 million cwt; small chickpeas, 946 thousand cwt; and large chickpeas, 2.25 million cwt.

The United States on-farm storage capacity totaled 13.6 billion bushels on December 1, 2023, up slightly from the December 1, 2022  estimate. On-farm grain storage capacity includes all bins, cribs, sheds, and other structures located on farms that are normally used to  store whole grains, oilseeds, or pulse crops. 

Capacity of off-farm commercial grain storage in the United States totaled 11.9 billion bushels on December 1, 2023, up less than  1 percent from the December 1, 2022 total. Off-farm grain storage capacity includes all elevators, warehouses, terminals, merchant  mills, other storage, and oilseed crushers which store whole grains, soybeans, canola, flaxseed, mustard seed, safflower, sunflower,  rapeseed, Austrian winter peas, dry edible peas, lentils, and chickpeas/garbanzo beans. Capacity data exclude facilities used to store  only rice or peanuts, oilseed crushers processing only cottonseed or peanuts, tobacco warehouses, seed warehouses, and storage facilities  that handle only dry edible beans, other than chickpeas/garbanzo beans. Off-farm storage facilities totaled 8,004 on December 1, 2023,  down 1 percent from the December 1, 2022 estimate. 

For a full copy of the Grain Stocks report, please visit For state specific questions, please contact the following  State Statisticians at 1-800-392-3202. 

Arizona – Dave DeWalt 

Colorado – Rodger Ott 

Montana – Eric Sommer 

New Mexico – Margie Whitcotton 

Utah – John Hilton 

Wyoming – Leslee Lohrenz

NASS provides accurate, timely, and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write:  USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).

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