Annual Snow Goose Festival set for February 2-4 in Lamar


Pat Craig, noted for his work saving captive wildlife, is the Festival’s keynote speaker for Saturday, February 3rd at the Lamar High School, headquarters for a majority of seminars and events.

Craig, from the Wild Animal Sanctuary, became involved in this activity at the age of 19 and was the first person who built a sanctuary dedicated to saving large carnivores.  The sanctuary focuses on the rescue of captive exotic and endangered large carnivores that have been abused, abandoned, exploited or illegally kept.  The sanctuary is unique as it offers large habitats which provides the animals the opportunity to live together and roam freely within large natural spaces.

Vendors will display their crafts on Friday and Saturday at the school gymnasium, beginning at 1pm until 6pm on Friday with a hospitality gathering from 4pm to 6pm on Friday.

Various tours and programs will be featured including trips to John Martin Dam, Colorado Mills and a lengthy tour of the 10,000 acre wild animal refuge from approximately 11:30am to around 5:30pm.  Saturday will feature various birding and habitat tours in the area as well as a sundown Snow Goose tour on both days.

Call 719-688-9582 for additional information for this unique festival, now enjoying its second decade of information and entertainment for birding enthusiasts and the general public at large.

By Russ Baldwin


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