Lamar Utility Board Receiving Scholarship Applications

Lamar Light and Power Turbines


The 2023 LUB/ARPA scholarship deadline arrived and this year, there was a total of eight completed applications received for the combined $1,400 scholarship, according to Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh during the April 25th meeting.  Lamar and McClave submitted three each and two from Wiley.  Two volunteers, Pat Leonard and Jay Brooke said they’d be happy to assist Lisa Denman and Rory O’Neill in the selection process again this year.

The plant’s wind turbine crew completed the gearbox oil flush and replacement on all five turbines and have now started the semi-annual maintenance and inspection program on the turbines per GE’s guidelines.

The Lamar Utility Board authorized payment on $71,556.35 in purchase orders from a total of $77,264.17.  Orders included $8,351 for raptor protection devices as well as $31,500 for reconditioned pole mount transformers and $11,869 for a new copier and associated monthly contracts.  Monthly bills amounted to $735,642.72 which included the power purchase of electricity from Arkansas River Power Authority of $651,401.89.

The board approved a low bid of $58,543 from Stella Jones Corporation for various length, Class 2 Western Red Cedar Poles which will replenish the stock inventory after the March 22nd fire.  Hourieh told the board the recent Bent County fire only impacted several poles, but not severely.  Plant crews will assess any damage to see if replacements are necessary.

The first quarter financial report shows cash is down $203,531 from December and accounts receivable decreased by $165,255.  Total operating revenues for the year are $3,302,156 and total operating costs are $2,766,616 resulting in gross operating income of $535,539.  When the non-operating revenues and expenses are factored, there is a net loss of $6,096 year to date.

When compared to 2022, revenues from retail sales are up approximately $201,142 or 6% comparing March 2023 to March 2022 and overall operating expenses are down approximately $9,128 or less than 1% resulting in a net loss of $6,096 for the year.
By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: Chamber of CommerceCity of LamarConsumer IssuesEconomyFeaturedUtilities


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