Lamar Chamber of Commerce Prepares for Annual Banquet; Seeks Citizen Nominations
Barbara Crimond | Dec 16, 2022 | Comments 0
The Lamar Chamber Board of Directors asks that you give thought to a nomination of an outstanding person that should be our Citizen of the Year for 2022. The announcement will be made at the Chamber Banquet on Friday, January 27th at the Lamar Eagles Lodge.
Get your nominees in now. The criteria that the individual or in some cases, group, is selected for: leadership, community involvement and cooperation and support regarding business or community projects. This includes their personal participation that has resulted in the betterment of the community.
As a result of this involvement, nominees should have specific and noteworthy accomplishments. A biographical submission of the candidate is also requested. Please list the name of a contact if more information is needed and submit the nomination letter in a sealed envelope.
Nominations should be submitted to the Lamar Chamber of Commerce, East Beech Street, Lamar, CO 81052.
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