Lamar Area Hospice Receives Record-Setting Donation


Lamar Area Hospice Fundraising Committee


According to Rose Ann Yates, Chairman for the Lamar Hospice Fundraising Committee, “this year’s annual Dinner, Dance and Auction, as well as the Angel Open Golf Tournament surpassed all expectations. Our team of volunteers have been doing this for more than twenty years. It’s a labor of love. Our commitment to Lamar Area Hospice Is simply to explain. We generously give to them and they generously give to this community. Most of us on the committee have benefitted personally from their wonderful services. It’s why we continue to work hard on their behalf. I believe the community feels the same way. Our successes depend on the willingness and generosity of the wonderful people who call Southeast Colorado Home and they do not disappoint.

Upon receiving the check in the amount of $88,000 Deb Pelley, Executive Director responded, “There are not enough words to express our overwhelming gratitude for the generous support we receive from this community. Even after twenty years, I still marvel at the ability of our Hospice Fundraising Committee to rally the people in our area around a cause that serves the area so well. And every year this community responds! HUGELY!

Because of your generosity, we can do so much more than Hospice. The only services we receive payment for is from Medicare for Hospice services, sometimes it’s enough and sometimes it’s not. Our mission statement states very clearly that we will provide care regardless of insurance status. However, the majority of services we provide is offered without any expectation of payment. Strictly charitable.  Hospice started a program for Independent seniors in 2006.

Since then, we have been able to support between 40 to 50 seniors on services at all times, with just enough help to keep them safely in their homes.  Again, it is a charitable program and payment is not expected. We also offer palliative services in the community to people who are not hospice appropriate but still in need of help managing symptoms and pain. Another charitable program. Our Children’s Good Grief Program is making an enormous contribution in our communities. We offer services in Springfield, Wiley, Lamar and everywhere in between. We have individuals and groups that meet in one of the three Good Grief rooms here at Hospice and provide the same services and resources in the schools. Most of these children would not receive the support and resources needed if payment was required. We can offer that because of your financial support. We also provide adult grief support and resources to the communities at large. Some of these groups meet every week for coffee and some quarterly. All resources and expenses are covered by Hospice.

In addition to the services we offer, we loam medical equipment to anyone in need of it at no charge and for as long as it is needed. There is hardly a day that goes by that some piece of equipment isn’t loaned. It is another much needed and appreciated program in our communities. Lamar Area Hospice continues to expand services and seek out new ways of serving the communities of Lamar, Eads, Holly, Granada, Hartman, McClave, Hasty and Wiley. I can assure you that we will work hard every day to be good stewards of the funds raised at these events and worthy of the commitment and efforts of our amazing Fundraising Committee. Thank you Ron Reedy and Phil Dieterle for organizing the best ever golf tournament and of course, the very capable fundraising committee for love and devotion to the work we do.

Committee Members:

Rose Ann Yates, Cheryl Preisser, Robbie Sue Young, Denise Carder, Kim Burgess, Patti Emick, Lisa Farmer, Melonee Marcum, Shirley Smith, Holly Burton, Norma Swanson, Jane Gardiner Dykes, Lisa Schwarte, Kynlee Emick, Gretchen Emick, Alisha Pettitt, Laurie Dimmitt


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