Letter to the Editor: Brooke Announcement for PMC Board Election



Dear Editor Baldwin,

I, Jay Brooke, present myself as the best qualified candidate to represent this great community on the Prowers Medical Center Board of Directors.  This claim is backed up by 50 years of experience in the healthcare arena, including as a clinician, supervisor, and High Plains CEO.  Along the way, I have had the honor of serving on many Boards including currently, the Cornerstone Resource Center, Lamar Utility, and the Domestic Safety Resource Center.

Healthcare is a complicated commodity and requires the balancing of supply, demand, and resources.  You want somebody directing the decision-making at our critical local hospital system that knows the funding, policies, politics, and trends in healthcare.

It is important to manage what we have.  I also believe it is important to have a vision of what we could have.  I see four major improvements that can be done. These would include (1) Increase the cooperation between community healthcare providers such that so many of us aren’t caught in the middle of turf wars, (2) Increase the number of patients kept here instead of Flight for Life evacuations, (3) Integrate mental health services into the PMC programs, and (4) Explore the hospital building a state-of-the-art long-term care facility so we can take care of our own and stop the migration elsewhere.

I will represent you well and would greatly appreciate your vote when you receive your ballot.

Jay Brooke
481 Prairie Street
Lamar, CO  81052
(719) 691 – 2291


Filed Under: Letters to the Editor


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