Lamar Gets Its Arby’s
Barbara Crimond | Mar 15, 2022 | Comments 0
Construction work on an Arby’s restaurant in Lamar should begin within the next 120 days, that’s according to Lamar Mayor, Kirk Crespin as he announced plans for the new franchise, fast-food establishment that’s slated for 1002 North Main Street in Lamar. “This process took about two years to bring us to this point,” he said, during the Lamar City Council’s March 14th meeting. City Attorney, Lance Clark, signed off on the contract between the city and RB Colorado, LLC, ensuring there will be funding to cover the closing costs and sales taxes on the property. Crespin added that the general expectation for the completion of the new enterprise will be towards the end of the year. The economic development incentive agreement connected to the WHO Blue Building at the site was also approved and will be discussed at the next Lamar Utility Board meeting. The building will be taken down to be relocated to city property within the next few weeks, clearing that site for preliminary excavation work.
Another development project that has been a work in progress for almost two years is moving ahead. Developer, Ivor Hill, had approached the council with his intention to turn the property at 700 East Parmenter Street into a fenced-in storage facility for RVs in the region. The project had stalled in part due to the Covid pandemic, but some development work has recently begun again to the stand-alone building on the property. Hill received approval for a second and final agreement with the city to extend the duration of his development performance between the city and Southeastern Colorado Mini-Storage LLC. Exterior improvements to the main house on the property will be finished by March 31st and the $10,000 pledge from Hill will be forfeited to the city if the requirements of the extension have not been met.
Community State Bank was the low bidder of three requests from the city for financing for lease/purchase of a 2022 Chrysler Voyager for the public library. Mayor Crespin, as an employee of Community State Bank, abstained in the vote in which councilmen Bellomy and Gonzales voted no.
Van Diest in Fort Collins had their low bid accepted by the council for fertilizer purchases for the spring and fall. Factoring in preference points for in-town and out-of-town businesses, Van Diest had the lower bid at $21,795.
A three-year extension for a memorandum of understanding was approved between the Lamar Parks and Recreation Department and Prowers Medical Center. The hospital will use the Lamar Community Building in the event of a mass medical emergency. The council set April 11, 2022 for a public hearing requested by the Lamar Chamber of Commerce for its annual Lamar Days activities this spring. A beer garden will be hosted by the chamber from 5pm to 10pm on Friday, May 20th. A five-year property lease agreement between the city and Lamar Community College was approved for an total fee of $5, with payment up front. The college intends to place a movable storage unit north of the college between the Fort Bent canal and the school’s buildings near the city’s sub-station.
The city is trading 20 feet of property with Dean Smith for a portion of the unused alley north of his land. He wants to build a small house and garage. His application to the Planning and Zoning Commission was approved, contingent that Smith cedes 20 feet of the west end of his property to allow the alley to be used. The council approved the agreement with the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
City Administrator, Rob Evans, reminded the council of the Wednesday, March 16th Lamar/La Junta joint council luncheon that begins at noon at Las Brisas Restaurant. Both groups are using the informal gathering to compare economic development projects and determine if there are any which could allow for shared costs. Evans said he is holding his morning coffee sessions this month at McDonalds at 7am on the 23rd and on the 30th at the Pit Stop. Free coffee, and Evans said he welcomes any conversation regarding city activities or might be of interest to his guests. Evans noted a current opening on the city’s water board for any interested citizen who wanted to serve. A public hearing date will be posted for the request from Farm Credit on East Olive Street to be annexed into the city boundaries and the council briefly discussed hosting a meet-the-candidate event for the May 3rd Prowers Medical Center board of director’s election.
The council went into executive session to discuss personnel matters under CRS 24-6-402(4)(f) and evaluation of the City Clerk.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: Chamber of Commerce • City of Lamar • Consumer Issues • Economy • Events • Featured • Utilities
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