Colorado Crop Progress & Condition Report, Week Ending 9-5-2021


Fieldwork and harvest activities continued around precipitation events last week, according to the Mountain Region Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA.

In northeastern counties, temperatures remained hot although isolated thunderstorms produced beneficial moisture. Concerns remained for non-irrigated crops and rangeland subject to hot weather without consistent moisture. Proso millet harvest was fully underway in the district and producers were preparing for harvest of other spring crops. Planting preparations for winter wheat continued.

East central counties received good moisture in areas last week. Harvest of several crops progressed quickly last week and county reports noted producers were actively drilling winter wheat. Very limited reports of sugarbeets harvested were received. Damaging winds were reported near Burlington.

A report from Kiowa county noted crops were in mostly good condition, but some grain sorghum failed to head out due to hot and dry weather. In southwestern counties, moisture was received across several areas and temperatures were moderate.

The San Luis Valley remained dry last week and barley harvest was nearly complete in areas. A few reports of potatoes harvested were noted, but most producers were still waiting to start. Rangeland was very dry in the area and producers were beginning to bring stock off summer grazing.

Southeastern counties received good moisture last week, benefitting crops as they continue to mature. Statewide, stored feed supplies were rated 1 percent very short, 14 percent short, 68 percent adequate, and 17 percent surplus. Sheep death loss was 83 percent average and 17 percent light. Cattle death loss was 70 percent average and 30 percent light.

Filed Under: AgricultureEnvironmentFeaturedMedia ReleaseWater


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