Search to Continue for Lamar City Administrator
Barbara Crimond | Aug 06, 2021 | Comments 0
The City Council held interviews and hosted a community Meet and Greet for the new City Administrator on Friday, July 30th, 2021. The results of the interviews were discussed during a special Executive Session held on Monday, August 2nd, 2021.
Following the Executive Session, I contacted the preferred candidate to discuss the opportunity. After some negotiation and deliberation, we could not agree on the terms of employment, and our offer was rescinded.
The Council and I agree that the City Administrator position is very important for our community and we agree that we can not settle for anything less than the right candidate for our community.
Over the past three months, the Mayor Pro-Tem and I have shared the duties of the Interim City Administrator for the City of Lamar. In working with our very experienced Department Heads, this temporary solution has been very successful and it has given us the opportunity to take our time to find the right candidate for our city.
Knowing that our city is in good hands and knowing that we are able to keep moving forward, we will continue our search for the right City Administrator in the upcoming months. We have re-engaged Strategic Governmental Resources (SGR) and will begin a direct recruitment campaign to search for new candidates. If this direct recruitment campaign is not successful, we will restart another nationwide candidate search.
Our community has made major strides over the past two years. We have developed and completed many important projects and we have some very exciting projects in the works! As your City Council and Mayor, we understand that we need to find a candidate that will help to keep the momentum, excitement, and growth going.
I want to ensure our community that your City Council and Mayor are not taking this decision lightly and we are looking for the best City Administrator candidate for our City. In the meantime, we will continue to work towards growing our city and helping Lamar remain, a great place to live!
Mayor Kirk Crespin
Filed Under: Letters to the Editor
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